Sunday, February 23, 2020

Field trip assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Field trip - Assignment Example Others may be identified by their height and morphology The difference between the southern and northern magnolia trees are mainly based on their morphology. The difference may be used to tell the native of the specific species and the kind of the environment from which the tree came from. Pollination of these flowers is mainly done by beetle, although other insects may be involved. The structure of the flower is simple and one can hardly distinguish the sepals from the petals, the flower is leathery and the seeds are well protected. A leaf that would survive I water needs to be wide and flat for it to float on water, it needs to have many stomata on either side to get rid of the excess water, and the stomata need to be open throughout so as to allow water to escape Station 3 Bald cypress; The bald cypresses are known for their distinctive feature, the knees. These are special roots that protrude upwards from the ground water; their function is thought to be that of air exchange since the bald cypress grow in swampy areas. The giant redwood has a lifespan of up to 2000 years while the giant Sequoia has a life span of 3000 years. The branches of the giant redwood, go up to 5 feet in diameter while those of the Sequoia go up to 8 feet in diameter, the bark of the redwood grows up to 12 inches thick while that of the giant Sequoia grows up to 3 feet thick, lastly the redwood reproduce either by seed or sprout whereas the Sequoias reproduce mainly by seed. Station 4b: Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides); Some of the advantages of deciduous plants are that the plant leave are prevented from damage during harsh conditions, the nutrients and energy are stored in the stems and later used to make other leaves when the conditions are favorable. These plants also reduce ice buildup as they do not have leaves that provide a perfect surface for ice buildup. Thus, there is less damage to the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Threats to the Tropical Rainforest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Threats to the Tropical Rainforest - Essay Example The potential impact of these threats on biodiversity of tropical forest is difficult to assess, due to the fact that the threats could be interlinked and each precipitates either direct or indirect effects. Regardless of the uncertainties associated with threat evaluation and impact assessment, the fact that these forests are subject to radical ecological changes, hence degradation is indubitable. For these reasons, it is imperative for conservationists and the global populations, to monitor, comprehend, and prevent the negative impact of these threats at all costs. Background Information Most studies in Earth systems reveal the fact that Tropical rainforests represent one of the World’s oldest and uninterrupted ecosystems. For instance, fossil records indicate that South-east Asia’s humid forests have been in existence for between 70 and 100 million years, without much alteration to their original form. Tropical rainforests make up some of the world’s haven for species, since they could have more than 1000 different species within an area of one square kilometer (km2). This is a very large proportion of both floral and faunal species, in comparison to that found in temperate forests, which harbor a meager 100 species within a similar spatial area. Tropical rainforests cover an estimated 2% area of Earth’s surface, which amounts to approximately 2000 million hectares (Ha). These forests get their name â€Å"Tropical† from their location within the tropics, that is, the Tropic of Capricorn about 23 degrees south and the Tropic of Cancer about 23 degrees north of the Equator (Primack and Corlett 15). Given the strategic location of Tropical rainforests within the tropics, they span across most of the world’s continents, including Africa, Asia, Northern Australia, and South America. These forests are also found in many of the tropical islands within these areas (Wright 554-555). The Amazon Rainforest is the largest of the Tropical rainforests in the world. Found in South America, the Amazon forest covers eight nations including Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela, Suriname and Ecuador. This huge forest covers a 2 million square miles area. Studies have shown that Tropical rainforests play a significant role in regulating local, as well as, global climatic conditions, in addition to regulating the crucial carbon cycle. The forests regulate the carbon cycle by absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon, while releasing much needed oxygen to the environment. This happens when the vast number of plants takes up carbon during photosynthesis, thus incorporating it into stored biomass. Even though there is no agreement as to whether preserved rainforests constitute the principal sink or source of carbon, negative influences of excessive deforestation are clearly known. Additionally, the role of deforestation in negating the carbon cycle is indubitable (Fearnside 681). Over the last severa l years, discussions regarding the links between forests’